Classroom Management

Click here to see my philosophy of classroom management

Teachers implement a coherent management approach that maximizes the potential for learning and uses strategies to handle both minimally disruptive behavior as well as more serious behavior.

The purpose of the classroom management standard is to ensure teachers foster classroom environments that are governed by mutual respect and learning.  The goal is to minimize distractions, interruptions, and negativity so that teachers can carry out their lesson plans and facilitate learning.  The objective is to prepare teachers for potential challenges so as to prevent or resolve them as efficiently as possible.  To meet this standard, teachers must be able to minimize disruptions; maximize instructional learning time by working with students individually as well as in small groups or whole groups; and respect students’ diversity in language, culture, race, gender, and special needs.

Click here for my classroom management plan

Having procedures regarding cell phones and laptops posted clearly on the board minimizes disruptions resulting from technology distraction:

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