Learning Environment

Teachers use resources, routines, and procedures to provide a respectful, positive, safe, student-centered environment that is conducive to learning. 

The purpose of the learning environment standard is to have both physical space and mental atmosphere that is conducive to learning.  The goal is to foster openness, safety, and respect in the classroom.  The objective is to create a learning space that benefits all students equally.

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My beliefs regarding the serious importance of the classroom environment are based on the research of Stephen Krashen.

Click here to read more about Krashen’s research into the affective filter

The following photographs are from the classroom where I completed my student teaching.  My supervising teacher’s classroom was exemplary, offering ease of access to all materials while also providing helpful visuals and artifacts that showed her passionate enthusiasm for French culture.  I plan to make my classroom equally inviting and enriched, since I’ve been spending my whole life collecting things from France.  (Click on photos for HD view in a new page)

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As the person who would be responsible for my students’ safety during class, I have completed a course on recognizing child abuse and neglect and have completed both adult and pediatric CPR, AED, and first aid training.  My certificates for both are below:

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