
Teachers maintain a commitment to professional ethics, communicate effectively, and take responsibility for and participate in professional growth that results in enhanced student learning.

The purpose of this standard to set the expectation that teachers will present themselves at all times in a way that shows respect for the institution of teaching.  The goal is for teachers to model commitment, temperaments, and mindsets that convey respect for others as well as for oneself at all times.  The objective is to provide students with teachers who can serve as respectable role models.  Teachers fulfill this standard by continually reflecting on, evaluating, and seeking to improve their practice; by modeling professional and ethical standards as well as personal integrity in all interactions; and by working in partnership with families to promote student learning at home and in the school.

Here, you can find two examples of how I plan to communicate with families at the beginning of the school year:

Click here for my sample introduction letter to parents

Click here for my sample introduction letter to students

To continue developing my French, I spent a summer completing a 6-course intensive at a university in Angers, France.  My diploma from the Université Catholique de l’Ouest shows that I received honors (“avec la mention Très Bien”), which is a rare achievement in France.

The following images are from a collaborative project my students did with the other foreign language classes.  Each student made a puzzle piece of a Francophone country’s flag, then we combined all our classes into a decoration for the front of the school:

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